Today Pat and I went out for a late afternoon dive to try and get a bit more experience with the new camera before our trip to Jervis Bay this weekend. When we arrived the sun was bright, the water was calm and divers were buzzing with excitement. As I entered the water, I heard Pat groan - "I left the lens cover on the camera." Not normally a problem, unless of course its in a waterproof case and you're already in the water. Oh well, that just means it's bound to be one of the best dives ever. About 15 minutes into the dive we had yet to see anything interesting, so I thought to myself, so much for the best dive ever. About 5 minutes later, I was eating my we swam over a gully, we saw three then four then five Port Jackson sharks THEN we saw more and more and more. Thirty-two in total on the way into the gully. On the way back out, I counted again this time forty-eight! FORTY-EIGHT Port Jackson sharks just resting on the bottom of the ocean.
8 years ago
Prove it ...
Sorry, can't go that high, don't know what happens after the red and blue sharks.
So what does the inside of the lens cap look like?
It's as dark as the soul of the great beast.
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