I thought I'd start with a little plagiarism. Tanya's update email of Sep. 23rd:
The JourneyOur journey was relatively uneventful. We began by meeting our friends Mike and Alette and the airport and catching our flight to Vancouver. When we arrived in Vancouver we took full advantage of the free wireless and ordered our scuba tanks online so that they would be delivered shortly after we arrived. Two days later we finally arrived in
Sydney - yeah! Upon arrival they proceeded to delouse us by spraying some kind of chemical all over the plane and waiting 5 minutes. Only then were we allowed to de-plane. Upon deplaning, we headed straight to immigration where they didnt even bother to look at our Visas and sent us on our way. While waiting for our luggage a quarantine officer approached us and asked if we had any sporting equipment. When we replied yes, scuba gear and that it was fresh water they pulled us aside and checked to make sure all of our gear was dry. Apparently there is a virus in Canadian fresh water that is not yet in Australia. After full inspection they allowed us to proceed.
The ArrivalThe weather in
Sydney upon arrival was a balmy 15C with 4 meter waves and lashing rain. Needless to say we did not get diving the first weekend. So on, making the best of the hand we were dealt we headed out on Saturday and bought our car. We bought a green Mitsubishi Magna. IOn Sunday, we decided to hit the beaches and spent the day looking at the various beaches in
Sydney as it was far too cold for swimming with both the air and the water still 15C.
Apartment HuntingAs Monday rolled round, we decided we should start looking for an apartment. The process is a little different here in
Sydney. The market is hot at the moment so the real estate agents are not very friendly nor helpful. We called around asking to see a few places and many agents just said NO - come to the inspection on Saturday. When we could get an agent to show a property during the week it was usually a dump. As we were unsure of how hot the market was, we put in an application for one of the dumps and the agent called back and asked us if we would like to pay more rent. When I said NO, the agent was genuinely shocked that I said no. With shock he asked me again if I was willing to pay another $20 per week at which point I again said no. The next place we applied for asked us to pay rent two months in advance instead of the usual one however, the location was not great and we found another place by the time the got around to agreeing to take us. After all of that, we ended up going to the Saturday inspections and found a small one bedroom. Basically, if an apartment is any good the real estate agent has an inspection on Saturday that lasts 15 minutes so you along with a bunch of other people wait outside until the inspection time then everyon piles into the apartment to inspect it. Should you wish to take the place you can put in an application and about 3 days later they will call you back if you have been shortlisted or selected otherwise you never hear from them again.
The apartment is great. It is a small one bedroom but has air conditioning which is a huge plus. We get the keys on Monday so I will forward some pictures and the address once we get moved in. The apartment is just around the corner from my office and 2km from Pat's office. Pat has free parking so he can drive if he likes but will probably just walk.
WorkLast week I started work at the new office. The office is much like the stories of the IT sector prior to the bubble bursting. It has a play room with tv, pool, couches. They have a espresso/latte machine in the kitchen and a "drinks" fridge for Fridays. The drinks fridge is a full size fridge full of beer. As I havent worked a Friday yet, I'm not quite sure how it works yet but I'll keep you posted.
DivingPat and I have managed to get ourselves sorted and have been out diving 5 times since we arrived. The water is a little on the cold side 15C but it should start warming up soon. The diving is pretty good here. The visability is not that great - at best we have seen around 30 feet so far but usually around 15-20. The marine life is amazing though. So far we have seen a Port Jackson on every dive and stingrays on most dives. Other interesting things we have seen include: wobbegongs, cuttle fish, bailers (giant snail - the size of my head) and some reef squid. We've upgraded to 15L steel tanks (120 cu ft) so I'm still a little wobbly on my feet as they are heavier than I am used.
The CarIf only we could dive without a car - life would be blissful :). If it weren't for the fact that the car takes us diving I might hate the car but seeing as it allows us to dive I am still fond of it. Regardless of the fact that so far the car has been mostly trouble......We managed to get a $81 parking ticket, an oil change that cost $200 and just last night the someone broke into the car and stole our GPS. Since they broke our window its in the shop getting repaired as I type. That said, it allows us to go diving so its a love hate relationship at the moment.
Well, that pretty much sums up the last three weeks.....